James Donaldson Group Donates to Local Foodbanks
As part of its charity initiative, the James Donaldson Group donated to foodbanks which were local to its 32 UK sites, throughout December 2020.
This saw the teams at James Donaldson Timber Elm Park and Chorley come together to collect much needed supplies and food in the weeks leading up to Christmas.
Food banks across the UK were severely impacted by COVID-19, seeing a 47% increase in usage since March 2020 and were facing an overwhelming demand for support.
The JDS Group also contributed £100 per site, for each week in December, which meant a total cash donation of £10,000 was made.
Andrew Donaldson, CEO of the JDS Group said: “2020 has been a tough year for everyone in many ways, and it has reminded us all of the importance of community and helping each other out in times of need. As a family business that operates UK wide, we want to help in our local communities where we can. The willingness of our employees to get involved in this initiative fills me with pride. All 32 of our sites has a foodbank local to it that we hope will benefit from our collective donations.”